How do you manage your assets held in your professional corporation? How do you invest the retained earnings in the most tax efficient manner? How do you preserve the value of your corporation against the risk of premature death, disability and critical illness? In other words, how do you protect and unlock the value of your business when you need it?
Radiant Life Insurance and Private Wealth is well-versed in helping incorporated professionals protect, preserve and invest their hard earned money. We know every client is unique and to ensure the plan fits your needs, we will involve your existing trusted professionals like an accountant and investment advisor.
The most precious asset of your business are your people. Business entrepreneurs like you, create the vision, develop the plan and build the business. Your employees contribute by completing their duties like sales or customer service to help your company grow. Your efforts and results together determines the value of your company. This is why it’s important to treat them as valuable assets by looking after their wellbeing. Whether its through health or dental care benefits, or a group retirement savings plan, Radiant Life Insurance has access to many different companies that can help you attract and retain talent.
Welcome to Canada. Many new immigrants are pleased to learn that the financial industry in Canada is well regulated. The cost of insurance is significantly lower than Asian countries as well. But when you’ve been invited to attend a seminar, you may wonder if the speakers have been fully transparent. Some things may sound too good to be true. After speaking to your friends and hearing their stories, you may have even more questions.
At Radiant Life Insurance we have a very strict philosophy on how we operate. We truly love our clients’ and their families. We strive to build a long term relationship that can last for decades. We promise to look after two, maybe even three generations of their family members. The quality of care is built on a good conscience. We don’t exaggerate features and benefits in seminars or ask clients to commit and sign applications on the spot. We don’t rebate premiums either. It is not allowed in Ontario and not how a professional relationship should begin.
We are thorough, transparent, and patient to ensure that our clients understand what they need, what they bought and how it fits their needs and budget. We want our clients feeling comfortable about their financial security plan, even ten or twenty years later. Many new immigrants come to us because of our complete client satisfaction process.
Retirees are the most financially vulnerable group of people. Many questions float in their heads including: Am I going to be alright? Have I saved enough? Are my assets been managed properly? How do I transfer my assets to my loved ones in the most tax efficient manner? When you enter ages 70 to 85, there are important steps you must take to make sure the investment portfolio’s principal is protected from market risk and taxes are kept to a minimum in the event of death. And quite often, due to regulation and limitation, financial advisors at major Canadian banks are not equipped to provide this type of planning.
Radiant Life Insurance and Private Wealth’s priorities are to “preserve”, “grow” and “transfer” in that order. We have the expertise and experience to work with clients like you.