Radiant Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is a product of love. There is only one reason clients buy life insurance. It is because they have someone they care so deeply. The policy provides the financial support to the love ones in the event of premature death. Life insurance is also the most important financial instrument to protect family wealth and transfer to the next generation.


Critical Illness Insurance

Critical Illness insurance is like an airbag on the car. When you are hit by severe sickness or medical condition, CI immediately absorb the financial impact of your life, and provide you the resource to confront your worse nightmare. You can use the money to supplement your income, seek medical treatment overseas, or fulfill your wish at the difficult time.

危疾保險就像一個汽車的安全氣囊。當你不幸收到疾病和重傷的打擊,保單迅速的吸收掉因爲醫療因素影響生活的財務問題,給你足夠的資源來面對這場噩夢。 保險金您能夠拿來彌補短缺的家庭收入,到海外接受治療。在人生最黑暗的最後時刻,保險金能夠幫您圓未完成的願望。

Disability Insurance

Imagine you have an ATM machine at home. This machine dispenses several hundred dollars every day. If you really owned such a magical machine, would you insure it? Income earners like you and I, are essentially this magical machine. If And if this machine malfunctions, would you buy a warranty so you can continue to receive cash every day?

試想您家裏有一台提款機。這提款機每一天都會吐出幾百塊錢鈔票出來。這麽神奇的提款機,您會不會要原廠保修呢? 我們有收入的人,就是這臺提款機。家人會不會希望如果有一天機器壞了,能夠確保每天能夠提領現金?

Health, Medical and Dental

Are you concern about medical expense, such as prescription drug, dental cost, and vision care for your family? Even you are not working for big corporation, you can still join the same benefit yourself. We offer medical health and dental plan for self-employed, Small Office & Home Office, family business owners. The plan is as comprehensive like those who work for big corporations, but the cost options are even more flexible.


Other Insurance Needs

If our life is a like a long journey on a cruise ship. Every day we can enjoy abundant of foods, variety of entertainment, quality time with our family. Insurance policy, is like a lifeboat on the cruise ship. We may never use it. But would you set sail without lifeboat?

Radiant Life Insurance has access of different types of insurance from different insurers to suit your needs. Life is full of unexpected surprises. Some of these unexpected event may have a devastating impact. If you have any concern about risk of your health, or life of your love ones, please contact us to book a free consultation.  We will be able to find a solution that suit your need, and give you a peace of mind.

如果人生,就像搭乘豪華郵輪。每天有豐富的美食,精彩的娛樂,美好的家庭時間。那麽保險,就是這艘郵輪上面的救生艇了。救生艇這個東西我們也許永遠用不到。 但是,出海的郵輪,上面沒有救生艇,行嗎?


Contact Us

Phone: 647-688-1627

Email: info@radiantlifeinsurance.ca